The e-mark in use at Richter Pharma

The e-mark is being used by Richter Pharma for efficient logistical and packaging processes surrounding the storage and redistribution of Covid vaccines.

Richter Pharma is a successful pharmaceutical company headquartered in Wels, Austria. The company stores and distributes the vaccine from the manufacturer Pfizer-Biontech. The vaccine is stored in large freezers at -73°C, repackaged according to incoming orders and then delivered to customers (doctors and vaccination centers).

This is where the e-mark's automated date and time functions as well as the many label printing options come in handy.

The storage and distribution process needs to be handled with great care, as the vaccine has to be inoculated relatively quickly, once it has been taken out of the freezer. The e-mark is used to precisely record the date and time of removal from the freezer. The information is printed on a label and then glued onto the boxes containing the vaccine.

Richter Pharma has grown from a pharmacy in the town square of Wels into an internationally successful pharmaceutical company. Founded around 1600, and still in the same location today, the pharmacy has been owned by the Richter/Fritsch family for more than a hundred years.
More about Richter Pharma:

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