Climate neutral stamps from COLOP

Climate neutral stamps from COLOP

Offering CO2 neutral products as a matter of conviction
Ecological responsibility has already been an essential part of the COLOP mission for decades. It is firmly anchored, consistently lived and further developed. COLOP is once again setting new environmental standards and now offers almost the entire traditional stamp range as CO2 neutral.


Consitent development of ecological aspects
A comprehensive catalogue of actions to avoid negative environmental impacts is embedded in an environmental management system certified by ISO 14001. The CO2 emissions of products - manufactured at one of the two production sites in Wels, Austria or Borovany, Czech Republic - which have already been significantly reduced by these measures but are unavoidable, are compensated by investments in climate protection projects (Gold Standard projects) as of 1 January 2022. This means that more than 90% of all products in the COLOP stamp range can be described as climate neutral.


COLOP takes responsibility
COLOP produces the majority of its stamp products in Europe. This economic area is a leader when it comes to regulations and laws to protect the environment. Beyond the high EU and national requirements, COLOP has been making an above-average voluntary contribution for years.


Ecological pioneering role in the stamp sector
In 2008 COLOP already set a new standard in the field of ecology. The world's first CO2 neutral COLOP stamp line was created with the introduction of the Green Line. From the beginning, the principle of waste avoidance was applied, wherefore recycled plastics and sustainable materials were predominantly used in production. The minimal remaining CO2 emissions are compensated. The product range has been continuously expanded in recent years, and the technologies and methods for the ecologically oriented production of stamp equipment have also been further developed and refined. The Green Line has become a great success and a benchmark in the stamp sector and in the entire office supplies sector.


Responsible use of resources
COLOP pays particular attention to resource conservation and the use of sustainable materials during product development. Stamps are designed in such a way that they are optimised in terms of raw material consumption and are manufactured with the same stability and robustness. The use of recycled plastics is permanently optimised and increased. Plastic waste generated during production is recycled and returned to the production process.

  • AVOIDANCEby research and developement
  • REDUCTIONby production and industrial design
  • UTILISATIONby recycling
  • ELIMINATIONby disposal

In addition to raw materials, energy is also used as efficiently as possible. The in-house photovoltaic system produces a considerable part of the electricity required at the Wels site. An excellently functioning process cooling system with heat recovery has already been implemented at the COLOP production sites for many years. Last but not least, one aspect that makes a significant contribution to the ecological footprint of COLOP stamp products is their impressive longevity. COLOP self-inking stamps are tested for at least one million stamping operations, which equates to years if not decades of use in a typical office or government agency.

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